Creating your own Amazon Alexa skill from scratch is easier than you thought. In our new course, Create Your Own Alexa Skill, you’ll learn how to build a new Alexa skill using Amazon Web Services and Node.js.
What You’ll Learn
With devices like Amazon Alexa, software is moving into users’ homes and lives in a whole new way. By creating a new Alexa skill, you can allow users to interact with your app using their voice.
In this course, Derek Jensen will show you how to build an Alexa skill from start to finish. You’ll get an overview of how skills work in Alexa, and then you’ll go through every step involved in building a real-world skill. By the end, you’ll be confident in creating your own Alexa skills.

Here are some free lessons from this course, as a preview of what you can expect:
Alexa Skill Kit Walkthrough
Before you can really start writing code to interact with Amazon Alexa, you need to understand where and how to create your actual Amazon Alexa skill. This video will provide a basic walkthrough of Amazon Developer Services and show you how to start to create your custom skill.
AWS Lambda Walkthrough
Now you have a decent understanding of where and how to create a simple Amazon Alexa skill. But that’s only half of the puzzle: your skill also needs to have a back-end service to send messages to and generate a response. In this video, you’ll learn one way to do this, with AWS Lambda Functions.
Creating a Hello World Skill
In the full course, you’ll create a fully functional real-world skill, but in this video, you’ll start by learning the process of creating a simple “hello world” skill.
Take the Course
You can take our new course straight away with a subscription to Envato Elements. For a single low monthly fee, you get access not only to this course, but also to our growing library of over 1,000 video courses and industry-leading eBooks on Envato Tuts+.
Plus you now get unlimited downloads from the huge Envato Elements library of 680,000+ creative assets. Create with unique fonts, photos, graphics and templates, and deliver better projects faster.

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