Free virtual museum tours are the only things we have left in our pockets for ‘traveling’ and artistic inspiration, in this pandemic. Traveling for leisure (or inspiration) is possible, but the potential risks are high. You might get sick along the way or might get another person sick. You might not know the travel restrictions other states or countries have at the moment. Traveling is such a hassle nowadays. Now that many countries are on their second lockdown, the thought of staying home becomes exhausting. The exhaustion can turn into burnout, and the burnout may eventually lead to an artistic rut.
The year 2020 may have ended just a while ago, but its after-effects still linger on. Here are some of the world-class museums you could visit without leaving the comforts of your home. It might not be as great as the real thing, but it is better than nothing.
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Virtual tours on the National Gallery of Art in Washington varies regularly. The museum has a virtual tour to feature many of their new exhibitions.

Source: Wikimedia Commons
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, South Korea
Not only does the museum website have virtual tours, but Google’s Art and Culture page also has a street view tour of the museum as well.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Do you know what the bright side of virtual tours is? You could get up close and personal with the art. If tourists go to the museum itself, there will be lines and other tourists obstructing your view. Going to a virtual museum would feel like a private walkthrough of the world’s most amazing art.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Vatican Museum, Rome
Experience the majesty of Rennaisance art in the Vatican Museum in Rome.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo, Brazil
The museum boasts of its majestic art but also its wonderful architecture. The virtual tours feature both.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
British Museum of London
This is the first public national museum in the world established in the mid-1700s. With centuries worth of world-class art, the British Museum of London’s virtual tour will not disappoint.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
The Louvre, France
One of the most famous tourist attractions in France. The Louvre building itself is an artistic wonder.

Image by Cuong DUONG Viet from Pixabay
Langley Research Center, Virginia
Who says world-class art can be the only source of artistic inspiration? The genius of science and space exploration can be equally inspiring.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
The Dali Museum, Florida
The virtual tours of the Dali museum are easy to control. It works like Google’s Streetview and features not only the artworks but the hallways, museum shop, and more.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Musee d’Orsay, Paris
The museum is currently closed due to the pandemic. This is why the virtual museum idea is great news during this time.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Also read: 21 Cool and Vibrant Grey and Yellow Backgrounds for 2021
The post Free Virtual Museums to Visit and Train your Artistic Eye appeared first on SpyreStudios.