They say that a programmer is a machine capable of turning copious amounts of coffee into code. If that’s you, and you’re wanting to up your Java programming game, then you won’t want to miss the O’Reilly Java Programming Bundle.
$698 worth of programming books by O’Reilly, which you can get for $15. And, for a measly dollar, you get FIVE titles, which should keep you busy for a while. These include the following.
- Java 8 Lambdas
- Java Threads
- Technology Strategy Patterns
- Continuous Delivery in Java
- Java in a Nutshell, 7th Edition
Make that $8, and you can add the following titles to your library.
- Semantic Software Design
- Kotlin Cookbook
- Real-World Software Development
- Think Java – How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know
gRPC Up & Running, Quarkus Cookbook, Java Performance, Java Cookbook, and Learning Java completes the Java Programming Bundle.
You may opt to pay more than $15, which would benefit the charity Code for America even more.
All books are DRM-free and available in multiple formats for your convenience.
The bundle is available until November 30, 2020.
Check out more deals.
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