You can use text-wrap: balance; on icons

Terence Eden on using text-wrap: balance for more than headings:

But the name is, I think, slightly misleading. It doesn’t only work on text. It will work on any content. For example – I have a row of icons at the bottom of this page. If the viewport is too narrow, a single icon might drop to the next line. That can look a bit weird.

Heck yeah. I may have reached for some sort of auto-fitting grid approach, but hey, may as well go with a one-liner if you can! And while we’re on the topic, I just wanna mention that, yes, text-wrap: balance will work on any content. — just know that the spec is a little opinionated on this and make sure that the content is fewer than five lines.

There’s likely more nuance to come if the note for Issue 6 in the spec is any indication about possibly allowing for a line length minimum:

Suggestion for value space is match-indent | <length> | <percentage> (with Xch given as an example to make that use case clear). Alternately <integer> could actually count the characters.

You can use text-wrap: balance; on icons

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