How to Manage Your Website’s Technical Debt

The web seems to move at the speed of light. The tools and best practices we use today will soon be outdated. It’s a vicious cycle we repeat again and again.

That often leaves us with some form of technical debt. It could be a WordPress theme that isn’t compatible with the latest version of PHP. Or a hacked-together layout that won’t adapt to future needs. The worst case is software that is no longer supported.

It will impact every website sooner or later. There are ways to manage or even prevent it, though.

So, how do you keep technical debt from becoming a nightmare? Let’s review a few tips for minimizing the impact.

Build with Sustainability in Mind

The first step is to reduce the chances for technical debt to take hold. In practice, it’s about building with sustainability in mind.

There are several things you can do. For one, use tools that are popular and well-maintained. It’s not a guarantee of smooth sailing. It does increase the chances of future viability, though.

Let’s use WordPress as an example. The content management system (CMS) has existed for over 20 years. It is continually updated. A large ecosystem of themes and plugins is also thriving.

Perhaps there’s another CMS that catches your eye. It hit the market only recently – there aren’t many users yet.

There’s nothing wrong with this new CMS. But is it sustainable? Only time will tell. Therefore, it may not be the best long-term solution. Using it comes with some level of risk.

Best practices also guard against technical debt. Use the latest standards when writing code. Don’t rely on CSS hacks to build layouts. Comment your code and take detailed notes.

The idea is to think about the present and future. That could save you some headaches down the road.

Perform Regular Audits of Your Website

The status of your stack can change in an instant. Thus, it’s a good idea to perform regular audits.

A website audit should cover both hardware and software. On the hardware side, make sure your web hosting is still viable. Check your site’s performance and resource usage. The results should tell you if you need to upgrade.

You’ll also want to look closely at the software you’re using. Start with the server’s OS. Move on to versions of PHP, MySQL, or whatever you have in place. These items are crucial to your site’s well-being.

From there, it’s time to look at your CMS, themes, and plugins. Also, review any software dependencies – JavaScript libraries are a good example.

Look for outdated items. Are updates available? Is it still actively maintained?

This process will help you identify potential problems. From there, you can take action.

So, how often should you audit your site? A yearly review is fine for small websites. Large and mission-critical sites would benefit from biannual or quarterly inspections.

Performing an audit can help you identify potential issues before they impact your website.

Use Change as an Opportunity

Perhaps you found an item or two that needs addressing. That’s OK – change is inevitable!

The good news is that change also presents an opportunity. You can reassess how your website is working. There is a chance to build a more stable foundation for the future.

In some cases, you may have to swap one item for another. For example, maybe a WordPress plugin you use has been abandoned.

Now is the time to find a replacement that will offer better longevity. It’s also possible that you no longer need what the old plugin offers. That’s one way to reduce technical debt.

You might also need to modernize your code. We often do this when dealing with PHP compatibility issues.

It’s not only a chance to use the latest version of PHP. You can also look for ways to improve functionality and security. After all, reviewing the code you wrote years ago can show how far you’ve come. There’s a chance to build it better and stronger.

You can do more than bring your website up to date. You can also make forward-thinking changes. The hope is that you can lessen the technical debt you have today – and for the future.

Addressing technical debt is an opportunity to reduce future issues.

Take Control of Your Site’s Technical Debt

Every website will deal with technical debt. That’s part of its lifecycle.

The difference is in how much debt you’ll face. Critical thinking early in the site-building process can reduce your burden. To that end, always search for the most stable and functional solution.

Changes will come eventually. That’s an opportunity to recalibrate your approach. You can review what works and what doesn’t. The lessons you learn will come in handy as your site evolves.

The key is to think about each step you take. Consider how it will impact your site today, tomorrow, and a year from now.

You probably won’t eliminate the need for change. However, you can learn how to make change more manageable.

How to Manage Your Website’s Technical Debt Medianic.

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