CSS Stuff I’m Excited After the Last CSSWG Meeting

From , the CSS Working Group (CSSWG) held its second face-to-face meeting of the year in Coruña, Spain, with a long agenda of new features and improvements coming to language. If 2023 brought us incredible advances like out-of-the-box nesting, container and style queries, or the has: selector, then 2024 is going to be even more packed with even more ground-breaking additions. Whether a new feature like inline conditionals is just starting or long-term projects are wrapping up, 2024 is already filled with exciting developments — and we’re still in July!

I wanted to share what I think are some of the most interesting and significant features coming to CSS that were examined in the meeting. However, I don’t want you to take the following as an exact recap of the discussions. Instead, I want to bring up the broader topics coming to CSS that had a spotlight at the last meeting. In reality, the features examined have been cooking up for even years and the discussions are geared towards specific cases and new enhancements, rather than defining a whole specification; a work that would be impossible in one meeting.

You can see the exact issues discussed on the CSSWG meeting agenda.

Feature 1: What if we get if()?

Since CSS custom properties gained reliable support around 2016, there have been many attempts to apply certain styles depending on a custom property value without, of course, appealing to JavaScript. One of the earliest workarounds for conditional styles was posted by Roman Komarov back in 2016 in “Conditions for CSS Variables”. From there, many other hacks have been documented for making conditional declarations in CSS (including this extremely clever one by Ana Tudor here on CSS-Tricks). In fact, you can find a full list that discusses and compares those workarounds by CSSWG member Lea Verou in her recent article, “Inline conditionals in CSS, now?”.

What’s for sure is that the community has craved a conditional way to apply styles using custom properties. Nowadays, we have a specification for Style Queries that’s capable of the task, but they come with limitations not related to browser support. The biggest of those limitations? We can’t directly style the container that’s queried, so we need some sort of wrapper element around that wrapper in HTML.

<div class="news-container" style="--variant: info">
  <p>Here is some good <strong>news</strong></p>

…in addition to writing the style query:

.news-container {
  container-name: news-container;

@container news-container style(--variant: info) {
  p {
    color: blue;
    border: 1px solid blue;

What if() might look like

On the CSSWG side, there have been discussions about adding an if() function as far back as 2018. It was of this year — yes, six years later — that the CSSWG resolved to begin working on if() for CSS. As good as it may look, don’t expect to see if() in a browser in at least two years! (That’s Lea’s unofficial estimate.) We’ll likely need to wait even longer for enough browser support to begin using it reliably in production. The spec draft is only barely getting started and many things have to pass a test first. For context, the CSS variables working draft began in 2012 and only received wide browser support in 2016.

Syntax-wise, if() is probably going to borrow the ternary operator from JavaScript and other programming languages, structured like this:

if(a ? b : c)

…where a is the custom property we are checking and b are c are the possible conditional return values. To check for styles, an inline style(--my-property: value) would be used.

.forecast {
  background-color: if(style(--weather: clouds) ? var(--clouds-color): var(--default-color));

Even if ? isn’t used in CSS and : has a different meaning everywhere else, I think this syntax is the one most people are familiar with, not to mention it also allows seamless conditional chaining.

.forecast {
  background-color: if(
    style(--weather: clouds) ? var(--clouds-color): 
    style(--weather: sunny) ? var(--sunny-color);
    style( --weather: rain) ? var(--rain-color): var(--default-color)

Future if() improvements

Although these probably won’t make it in the initial release, it’s interesting to see how if() might change between now and sometime further in the future:

  • Support for other inline conditionals. We are supposed to check for custom properties using the style() query, but we may as well check for media features with an inline media() query or if a user agent supports a specific property with an inline support().
.my-element {
  width: if(media(width > 1200px) ? var(--size-l): var(--size-m));
  • Using conditional inside other CSS functions. In future drafts, we may use ternaries inside other functions without having to wrap them around if(), e.g. just as we can make calculations without calc() if we are inside a clamp() or round() function.

Feature 2: Cross-document view transitions

Last year, the View Transition API gave us the power to create seamless transitions when navigating between web pages and states. No components or frameworks, no animation libraries — just vanilla HTML and CSS with a light sprinkle of JavaScript. The first implementation of View Transitions was baked into browsers a while back, but it was based on an experimental function defined by Chrome and was limited to transitions between two states (single-page view transitions) without support for transitioning between different pages (i.e., multi-page view transitions), which is what most of us developers are clamoring for. The possibilities for mimicking the behavior of native apps are exciting!

That’s why the CSS View Transitions Module Level 2 is so amazing and why it’s my favorite of all the CSS additions we’re covering in this article. Yes, the feature brings out-of-the-box seamless transitions between pages, but the real deal is it removes the need for a framework to achieve it. Instead of using a library — say React + some routing library — we can backtrack into plain CSS and JavaScript.

Of course, there are levels of complexity where the View Transition API may fall short, but it’s great for countless cases where we just want page transitions without the performance cost of dropping in a framework.

Opting into view transitions

View transitions are triggered when we navigate between two pages from the same-origin. In this context, navigation might be clicking a link, submitting a form, or going back and forth with browser buttons. By contrast, something like using a search bar between same-origin pages won’t trigger a page transition.

Both pages — the one we’re navigating away from and the one we’re navigating to — need to opt into the transition using the @view-transition at-rule and setting the navigation property to auto

@view-transition {
  navigation: auto;

When both pages opt into a transition, the browser takes a “snapshot” of both pages and smoothly fades the “before” page into the “after” page.

Transitioning between “snapshots”

In that video, you can see how the old page fades into the new page, and it works thanks to an entire tree of new pseudo-elements that persist through the transition and use CSS animations to produce the effect. The browser will group snapshots of elements with a unique view-transition-name property that sets a unique identifier on the transition that we can reference, and which is captured in the ::view-transition pseudo-element holding all of the transitions on the page.

You can think of ::view-transition as the :root element for all page transitions, grouping all of the parts of a view transition on the same default animation.

├─ ::view-transition-group(name)
│  └─ ::view-transition-image-pair(name)
│     ├─ ::view-transition-old(name)
│     └─ ::view-transition-new(name)
├─ ::view-transition-group(name)
│  └─ ::view-transition-image-pair(name)
│     ├─ ::view-transition-old(name)
│     └─ ::view-transition-new(name)
└─ /* and so one... */

Notice that each transition lives in a ::view-transition-group that holds a ::view-transition-image-pair that, in turn, consists of the “old” and “new” page snapshots. We can have as many groups in there as we want, and they all contain an image pair with both snapshots.

Quick example: let’s use the ::view-transition “root” as a parameter to select all of the transitions on the page and create a sliding animation between the old and new snapshots.

@keyframes slide-from-right {
  from {
    transform: translateX(100vw);

@keyframes slide-to-left {
  to {
    transform: translateX(-100vw);

::view-transition-old(root) {
  animation: 300ms ease-in both slide-to-left;

::view-transition-new(root) {
  animation: 300ms ease-out both slide-from-right;

If we navigate between pages, the entire old page slides out to the left while the entire new page slides in from the right. But we may want to prevent some elements on the page from participating in the transition, where they persist between pages while everything else moves from the “old” snapshot to the “new” one.

That’s where the view-transition-name property is key because we can take snapshots of certain elements and put them in their own ::view-transition-group apart from everything else so that it is treated individually.

nav {
  view-transition-name: navigation;

    ├─ ::view-transition-group(navigation)
    │  └─ ::view-transition-image-pair(navigation)
    │     ├─ ::view-transition-old(navigation)
    │     └─ ::view-transition-new(navigation)
    └─ other groups...

You can find a live demo of it on GitHub. Just note that browser support is limited to Chromium browsers (i.e., Chrome, Edge, Opera) at the time I’m writing this.

There are many things we can look forward to with cross-document view transitions. For example, If we have several elements with a different view-transition-name, we could give them a shared view-transition-class to style their animations in one place — or even customize the view transitions further with JavaScript to check from which URL the page is transitioning and animate accordingly.

Feature 3: Anchor Positioning

Positioning an element relative to another element in CSS seems like one of those no-brainer, straightforward things, but in reality requires mingling with inset properties (top, bottom, left, right) based on a series of magic numbers to get things just right. For example, getting a little tooltip that pops in at the left of an element when hovered might look something like this in HTML:

<p class="text">
  Hover for a surprise
  <span class="tooltip">Surprise! I'm a tooltip</span>

…and in CSS with current approaches:

.text {
  position: relative;

.tooltip {
  position: absolute;
  display: none;

  /* vertical center */
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);

  /* move to the left */
  right: 100%;
  margin-right: 15px; */

.text:hover .tooltip {
  display: block;

Having to change the element’s positioning and inset values isn’t the end of the world, but it sure feels like there should be an easier way. Besides, the tooltip in that last example is extremely fragile; if the screen is too small or our element is too far to the left, then the tooltip will hide or overflow beyond the edge of the screen.

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CSS Anchor Positioning is yet another new feature that was discussed in the CSSWG meetings and it promises to make this sort of thing much, much easier.

Creating an anchor

The basic idea is that we establish two elements:

  • one that acts as an anchor, and
  • one that is a “target” anchored to that element.

This way, we have a more declarative way to associate one element and position it relative to the anchored element.

To begin we need to create our anchor element using a new anchor-name property.

Changing our markup a little:

  <span class="anchor">Hover for a surprise</span>
  <span class="tooltip">Surprise! I'm a tooltip</span>

We give it a unique dashed-indent as its value (just like a custom property):

.anchor {
  anchor-name: --tooltip;

Then we relate the .tooltip to the .anchor using the position-anchor property with either fixed or absolute positioning.

.toolip {
  position: fixed;
  position-anchor: --tooltip;

The .tooltip is currently positioned on top of the .anchor, but we ought to move it somewhere else to prevent that. The easiest way to move the .tooltip is using a new inset-area property. Let’s imagine that the .anchor is placed in the middle of a 3×3 grid and we can position the tooltip inside the grid by assigning it a row and column.

The inset-area property takes two values for the .tooltip‘s in a specific row and column on the grid. It counts with physical values, like left, right, top and bottom, as well logical values depending on the user’s writing mode, like start and end, in addition to a center shared value. It also accepts values referencing x- and y-coordinates, like x-start and y-end. All these value types are ways of representing a space on the 3×3 grid.

For example, if we want the .tooltip to be positioned relative to the top-right edge of the anchor, we can set the inset-area property like this:

.toolip {
  /* physical values */
  inset-area: top right;

  /* logical values */
  inset-area: start end;

  /* mix-n-match values! */
  inset-area: top end;

Lastly, if we want our tooltip to span across two regions of the grid, we can use a span- prefix. For example, span-top will place the .tooltip in the grid’s top and center regions. If instead we want to span across an entire direction, we can use the span-all value.

One of the problems with our anchor-less example is that the tooltip can overflow outside the screen. We can solve this using another new property, this time called position-try-options, in combination with a new inset-area() function.

(Yes, there is inset-area the property and inset-area() the function. That’s one we’ll have to commit to memory!)

The position-try-options property accepts a comma-separated list of fallback positions for the .tooltip when it overflows outside the screen. We can provide a list of inset-area() functions, each holding the same values that the inset-area property would. Now, each time the tooltip goes out off-screen, the next declared position is “tried”, and if that position causes an overflow, the next declared position is tried, and so on.

.toolip {
  inset-area: top left;
  position-try-options: inset-area(top), inset-area(top right);
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This is a pretty wild concept that will take some time to grok. CSSWG member Miriam Suzanne sat down to discuss and tinker with anchor positioning with James Stuckey Weber in a video that’s well worth watching.

Geoff Graham took notes on the video if you’re looking for a TL;DW.

There are still many aspects to anchor positioning we aren’t covering here for brevity, notably the new anchor() function and @try-position at-rule. The anchor() function returns the computed position of the edge of an anchor, which provides more control over a tooltip’s inset properties. The @try-position at-rule is for defining custom positions to set on the position-try-options property.

My hunch is that using inset-area will be plenty robust for the vast majority of use cases.

The CSSWG is a collective effort

Earlier I said that this article wouldn’t be an exact retelling of the discussions that took place at the CSSWG meetings, but rather a broad representation of new specs coming to CSS that, due to their novelty, were bound to come up in those meetings. There are even some features that we simply hadn’t the time to review in this roundup that are still subject to debate (cough, masonry).

One thing is for sure: specs aren’t made in some vacuum over one or two meetings; it takes the joined effort of tens of amazing authors, developers, and user agents to bring to life what we use every day in our CSS work — not to mention the things we will use in the future.

I also had the opportunity to talk with some amazing developers from the CSSWG, and I found it interesting what their biggest takeaways were from the meetings. You might expect if() is at the top of their lists since that’s what is buzzing in socials. But CSSWG member Emilio Cobos told me, for example, that the letter-spacing property is essentially flawed and there isn’t a simple solution for fixing it that’s copasetic with how letter-spacing is currently defined by CSS and used in browsers. That includes the fact that converting normal properties into shorthand properties can be dangerous to a codebase.

Every tiny detail we might think of as trivial is carefully analyzed for the sake of the web and for the love of it. And, like I mentioned earlier, this stuff is not happening in a closed vacuum. If you’re at all interested in the future of CSS — whether that simply keeping up with it or getting actively involved — then consider any of the following resources.

  • CSSWG Homepage
  • CSSWG Blog
  • CSSWG Drafts (GitHub)
  • CSSWG News RSS Feed (Atom)
  • CSS Specifications Table
  • Public Review Announcements Mail List & Archives (and RSS Feed)

CSS Stuff I’m Excited After the Last CSSWG Meeting

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