
7 Software Development Trends of 2020

Each year brings software developers new surprises. 2019 was a year of the rapid development of many technologies from blockchain to artificial intelligence. According to the Statista report, the blockchain use will significantly increase by 2021. Today, we will discuss the most popular trends of soft development, which will take place in 2020.

Software Development Trends 2020

1. Artificial Intelligence

Even non-professionals can easily understand what AI is. In a broad sense, this is the development of the soft that learns to think like a person. Companies that provide machine learning solutions are in demand. Intellectsoft is a perfect example: make sure you visit their official website by following the link  AI is used in every sphere, and developers continue to experiment in this area.

2. Blockchain

Blockchain creates a single data register and thereby simplifies many banking operations. Modern services need soft on the blockchain, so there is a great demand for specialists in this field.

3. Languages

It is vital to choose the right programming language. Most full-stack developers use JavaScript. The popularity of this language is due to its adaptability and flexibility.

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The popularity of certain languages can be evaluated by surveys. In a Stack Overflow survey, Node.js scored 49.9% and Angular 39.6%. React, .NET core and Spring are also popular.

4. Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

PWAs are different from regular mobile apps: they are something between a web app and a mobile app. They work with the Service Worker script, load faster and have some interesting features, such as push notifications. PWAs are easy to develop and maintain, so many mobile app developers have focused on them.

5. Cybersecurity

Online security applies to all areas of human life, including business. Almost all industries face cybersecurity challenges. Companies want to secure their data and ask specialists to help them.

6. Outsourcing

The global outsourcing market is growing every year and has great potential. There are many outsourcing projects in the IT industry. Business owners prefer to work with the developers without hiring them.

7. Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT applications are the latest advancement in software at both the consumer and industry level. A technology that ties all technologies together will show a rapid increase in demand in all areas related to security and customer service. According to PWC, more than 90% of cars will be connected to IoT by 2020. It is expected that it will provide additional efficiency in logistics and supply chains.


These trends provide insights into how the software industry is developing. All these trends encourage companies and developers to constantly learn and increase their capabilities. These trends are already everywhere from healthcare to the military sphere. In fact, all of them make our world a better place. If you have any examples, please do not hesitate to leave your replies in the comments.

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The post 7 Software Development Trends of 2020 appeared first on SpyreStudios.

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