Each year, a new batch of young web developers are jumping into the field head-first. Often times, frontend web development is the easiest barrier to jumpstart learning. HTML/CSS work is quite simple, but delving into JavaScript provides a deeper realization of general programming topics. These include functions, loops, and variables, along with an understanding of how JavaScript code affects elements in the DOM.
In this post, you’ll find a series of 40 powerful jQuery articles, tutorials, and free plugins. Each of these resources should provide a starting point for anyone interested to learn frontend scripting. It’s a long road with many hurdles, but well worth the effort. Take a look through some of these links and jump right into any subject matter that you find intriguing.
jQuery Basics & Selectors
Introduction to DOM Manipulation
The jQuery Object
Master the .each() Loop
Event Delegation
Using jQuery Plugins
Writing Your Own jQuery Plugins
jQuery Animations
Building a Login Form
Quick Tips for jQuery Newbs
Animate Content with jQuery
Reading XML with jQuery
Sticky Table Headers & Columns
Lateral On-Scroll Sliding
Multi-Item Slider
Swatch Book using CSS3 and jQuery
Vertical Showcase Slider
Sliding Letters with jQuery
Portfolio Image Navigation
Item Blur Effect
3D Thumbnail Hover Effects
Ajax with jQuery
Animate Sliding Content with jQuery
A-Slider Plugin
Pick-A-Color Plugin
Viewport Crop Plugin
stickyMojo Plugin
scrollUp Plugin
Reddit API Webapp
jQuery Mobile for Beginners
Manipulate HTML Attributes
Traversing DOM Elements
Manipulate DOM Element’s Dimensions
jQuery post() Method
jQuery load() Method
How to Use jQuery No-Conflict Mode
Implementing TheMovieDB (TMDB) API with jQuery AJAX
jQuery Timer Examples
jQuery fadeIn & fadeOut Methods
If you like this gallery then you’ll definitely enjoy my related jQuery mobile tutorial.
First published in March 2014; updated November 2021
The post 40 Resources for Getting Started with jQuery Development